
This is our Puget Sound community!

  • Do you know someone around Puget Sound who's motivated to bring CS for All to students in Washington state? Tell Amy!
  • Need some expertise? Find someone below and write them directly, or ask Amy for a recommendation.


Amy J. Ko (email) runs the meetup. Her day job is Professor at the University of Washington Information School, where she does research on computing education, teaches about information, user interface design, and software engineering, and runs the popular undergraduate degree in Informatics. She founded this meetup because she saw the astounding amount of activity around CS education in Puget Sound, but a big lack of community connecting and coordinating this activity.


The spreadsheet below contains a growing list of people in both the Puget Sound region and the rest of the state of Washington. This list serves multiple purposes:

  • You can use it to find people or organizations you'd like to connect with.
  • We use it as a way of contacting everyone in the community.

If you'd like to be added or removed from this spreadsheet, or update information on it, write Amy.
